GD-TEAM has supported the development of equestrian vaulting

GD-TEAM has been a long-time supporter of the Civic Association and of the VOLTILAND sports club, which has been dedicated to various activities in the field of equestrian sports with great dedication. Their main domain is equestrian vaulting. The club has already managed to raise several representatives. The big news this year is the debut participation in the international equestrian vaulting competition, where the club won both 1st and 2nd place. In the winter the club organised the premiere “BarelCup”, a horse trainer race, which fully replaces the horse races in the winter training. The club is also dedicated to working with the general public and horseback riding is open to all, with no age limits. Last year, the club added a gymnastic preparation class for children aged 3 to 6 in the gymnasium the club built in the former watermill building to its portfolio of sporting activities. Traditionally, this year we also managed to organize two tours of the summer horse riding school day camp.



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GD-TEAM has supported the development of equestrian vaulting